Friday, March 15, 2013

to Kevin Barrington: What I Couldn't Say on Your Blog Comment

 This is what I had.

I saw on Twitter that apparently there are "People hearing misogyny." There's no misogyny here. At least as I understand it, tonight, the poem expresses the fear of getting old, beautifully. I love it --or will someday soon when it isn't quite so painful.

Folks, you read poetry differently than say, an article or story. You read a poem carefully, downright peruse it. Then, do it again. And again. Then think about it. Read it again. After all that, you might venture an opinion.

Below are links to the poem and the tweet. If you are new to Kevin Barrington's poetry, you're in for a treat!

This is regarding 

Friday, March 15, 2013

and this tweet: 


Friday, May 20, 2011


Update: November 9, 2011

That seems like a lifetime ago! Bessie is mine and I am hers. 
I mean, seriously, how did I live without this face?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why What Michele Bachmann Says Does Not Matter

There is a difference in what we see and hear when we watch her, and what her supporters see and hear.  We see a woman who would be attractive if she ever made sense.  We listen and wonder, is it a drug problem?  Sheer stupidity?  How, we ask one another, can she not be embarrassed by exhibiting such ignorance?  

Her supporters see a beautiful woman who loves them.  She exudes warmth and hope.  She is lovely as she dances her speech (watch this video of her below, posted by Mediate –you’ll see what I mean), gracefully acting out writing the Constitution and then falling over the dreadful cliff of liberal socialist spending.  They hear words and phrases they like: our children, our future, the holy Constitution, founding fathers, freedom from slavery.  (That’s their enslavement, by the way, no one else’s.)

These are not people who actually listen to a speech and expect it to make sense.  Possibly, they lack the attention span.  Maybe they’ve spent their lives hearing words they don’t know, and would never expect to understand a formal speech.  It could be that they’ve sat through too many sermons that lasted four hours or more.  It doesn't matter.  The result is that she could say just about anything.  As long as she looks nice, moves gracefully, smiles at them, and throws in some word they know and like, they will love her.

The situation was wonderfully expressed by Gary Larson:
    [Click Image to Enlarge]
Gary Larson Farside